ここ茨城県守谷市は、「いい部屋ネット 街の住みここちランキング2021(北関東版)」において、3年連続1位に選ばれています。
またこの場所の先には無電柱化で有名なセキュレア守谷松並(※)があり、レーベン守谷「THE SQUARE」「THE BRIDGE」 など東口の開発はこの数年で急激に進み、しかも今年オープンした「ブランチ守谷」等、土地の評価は上がり続けています。今回販売を予定している好立地な物件は、守谷市松並(約100坪)になります。駅から徒歩8分という便利な場所で、セキュレア守谷松並やレーベン守谷よりも駅に近くなります。しかし守谷地域の中で唯一、市街化調整区域でもあり簡単に家を建てる事が出来ませんが、守谷市には市街化調整区域に利用できる「10年特例」があります。好立地な物件ですが、企業所有の場合には新築が認められません。守谷市松並の土地の価値は高まるばかりです。
特にレーベン守谷「THE SQUARE」「THE BRIDGE」の中古価格は、間取り3LDK(75.81㎡)で、約4,000万円以上。その他にも管理費や修繕積立金、駐車場1台(EV車両用の充電設備無)等の条件や今後の大規模修繕を控え、一軒家を求めるケースも増え続けています。レーベン守谷「THE SQUARE」「THE BRIDGE」にお住いの方々には、優先的に販売を検討しています。
By the way, Moriya City, Ibaraki Prefecture, has been selected as No. 1 in the "Urban Life / Regional Ranking 2021" for three consecutive years. Moriya City surveyed and tabulated 56 items related to convenience of living, convenience of transportation, administrative services, friendliness, image, tranquility and safety, rent, and the nature of tourism. As a result, the convenience of living and the convenience of transportation ranked first in gender. It is highly evaluated as No. 1 for convenience of life, No. 3 for administrative services, No. 1 for friendliness, and No. 1 for image!
The commuting time from Moriya Station to Akihabara Station is about 32 minutes on the Tsukuba Express, a new city railway in the Tokyo metropolitan area that opened in 2005.
The property to be sold this time is located in Matsunami, Moriya City (about 330㎡). Conveniently located an 8-minute walk from the station, it is closer to the station than "THE SQUARE" or "THE BRIDGE" of "Securea Moriya Matsunami" or "Leven Moriya". This land is the only urbanization control area in the Moriya area, and it is not easy to build a house. However, in Moriya City, there is a "10-year special case" in the urbanization countermeasure area. It is also valuable as investment real estate. Moreover, the depreciation of the yen will cause foreign investment funds to flow into the Japanese real estate market, leading to revitalization of the real estate market.